Level I - II - III Classes

Salsa is an incredibly popular, dynamic and exuberant dance that expresses the rhythm and joy of its distinctive Afro-Cuban music. There is sizzling Salsa dancing in clubs all over LA every night of the week.

At Ballroom Dance Academy, we teach a progressive series of fun and informative Salsa classes for everyone from beginners to experienced Salseros and Salseras. Our teaching goes far beyond just giving you a series of patterns to memorize. We teach you about the music, the rhythms, and the organic and spontaneous character of this joyful dance.

Ballroom Dance Academy organizes regular group salsa outings to the most popular Salsa clubs in LA, so be on the lookout for our next out-on-the-town dance adventure!  If you would like to join our Salsa community, please like us on Facebook for the latest updates.

We love to Salsa and we love to teach people this earthy, exciting, evolving style of dance. So start listening to those timbales and get yourself down to our Salsa classes!




Level 1

This is the class for you if you are new to Salsa dancing. We’ll teach you the fundamentals of the music, the styling, and the basic steps.



Level II

You should take this class after you feel comfortable with the figures in the Level 1 class. We’ll focus more on double turns, faster tempos, and complex partnering skills. You’ll begin to learn to create your own patterns and to interpret the music creatively. We teach different steps each month, so you can stay in this class for as long as you’d like!



Level III

This fast-paced class will teach you the hottest, most original moves you’ll see in Salsa clubs every week. We’ll teach you flashy turn patterns, hot styling and dynamic techniques to make your Salsa sizzle. This class is for seasoned Salsa dancers only; instructor permission is a prerequisite.

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