Just Beginning/Road Map

We recommend that every new dancer comes to our Ballroom & Latin group classes and follows this road map. These are our cornerstone classes. If you stay on this route, you can become an accomplished social dancer in just five months!

Step One: Ballroom and Latin Group Classes

Here’s how it works:

The Dances

The program covers four Latin dances, four Ballroom dances, and three bonus club style dances in a progressive series of fun and supportive group classes.

Latin Dances Ballroom Dances Club Dances
East Coast Swing
Cha Cha
Foxtrot                                                                                         Tango
Viennese Waltz
Night Club Two-Step West West Coast Swing


The Classes

Each class meets for 45 minutes and runs for four weeks. (See our calendar.)

Step Two

The Traditional Route — 4-6 Months to the World of Social Dancing

The classes are scheduled so that you can build on what you learned the previous month. If you are an beginner, here’s an example schedule:

In your first month, you can sign up for the Rumba 1 and Waltz 1 class. You’ll be dancing for 45 minutes and will learn the basic figures for these two dances.

In your second month, you can sign up for East Coast Swing 1 and Foxtrot 1. This month you’ll be learning the basic figures of those two dances. But in your second month, you can also sign up for Rumba 2 and Waltz 2, because these classes will cover the next level of figures. Now you are dancing for an hour and a half and learning four dances!

In your third month, you can sign up for Cha Cha 1 and Tango 1, and also East Swing 2, and Foxtrot 2.

In your fourth month, Cha Cha and Tango will move to level 2, and so on.

We have recently added Hustle, West Coast Swing, and Night Club Two-Step to our Ballroom and Latin series, so you’ll have even more dances to explore.

We teach two different step lists, so once you’ve completed all level I and II classes, we recommend repeating the entire program again to brush up on all the moves you know and add new figures to your repertoire.

Now you are an accomplished social dancer. The world of dancing is open to you, and you’re ready for the advanced classes!

The Scenic Route – A More Leisurely Pace: 6-8 months.

You may prefer to take one class at a time instead of two. In this case we recommend you sign up for Level 1 classes in Ballroom and Latin and take different dances each month. This is a great survey introduction to all the ballroom dances. When you have completed all Level I classes, you can continue learning the same dances in Level II.

Traveling the Dance Autobahn: Private Lessons Are the Essential Performance Enhancer

We recommend that every student in our Ballroom and Latin classes sign up for private lessons to complement what you are learning in your group classes. Nothing will make you a better dancer, and a better dance partner, than focused, one-on-one work with a seasoned instructor.

Give it a try

You are also welcome to try our other beginning classes. Choose from Salsa, Swing and Argentine Tango to expand your dance horizons!

See our Calendar

There are so many exciting partner dances and we can teach any or all of them.

Learn about Dance Styles we teach


These packages offer the best of both worlds – group plus private lessons.  You can start with private sessions to build confidence on the dance floor and then join the group class, or, start in the group class and later practice and polish what you learned with your professional instructor.

The New Dancer Package A


Package A offers a gateway to discovering the joy of partner dancing!

Single Dancer:

  • $249 ($286 value)
  • Two Private Lessons ($230 value)
  • One 4-Week Group Series ($56 value)
  • Regular Price: $286, you save $37


  • $299 ($342 value)
  • Two Private Lessons ($230 value)
  • One 4-Week Group Series Per Person ($112 value)
  • Regular Price: $342 you save $43

The New Dancer Package B


Package B allows a greater commitment to your dance education and leads to faster progress!

Single Dancer:

  • $399 ($457)
  • Three Private Lessons ($345)
  • Two 4-Week Group Series ($112)
  • Regular Price: $457, you save $58


  • $499 ($569 value)
  • Three Private Lessons ($345)
  • Two 4-
  • Week Group Series Per Person ($244 value)
  • Regular Price: $569, you save $70

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